Our Arduino Mining Adventure: How We Earned ₹1!

Our Arduino Mining Adventure: How We Earned ₹1!
So one day, while having one of those deep talks about crypto and mining, we got pretty intrigued by the idea of trying it ourselves. The concept of mining—solving complex problems to validate transactions and earn rewards—sounded thrilling. The only problem? None of us had a high-end PC to throw into the fire. We barely had our own laptops to work with. Risking them for mining? Nah, not happening.
But then, a few days later, Badhusha (the tech whisperer of our group) hit us up with something called Duino Mining—mining using Arduino boards! Yep, you heard it right. Tiny little boards doing something as big and complex as mining? We were hooked instantly. The thought of transforming our humble Arduino boards into mini mining rigs was too exciting to resist.
We thought, “Why not give it a try?” A trial run seemed harmless enough. So, like the excited nerds we are, we jumped on it. We downloaded all the necessary files, burned them onto our boards, and set up a PC. Boom! Just like that, we were mining online using Arduino boards. Honestly, it felt like we were embarking on a high-stakes adventure with just our basic tech gear.
Now, here’s how it works: all the mining action happens on the Arduino, which is hooked up to a PC. The PC terminal shows you the hash rate and the health of each board, so you know what's going on. Watching those tiny boards work their magic felt empowering. It was like being in control of a tiny factory, where each board was doing its part to solve mathematical puzzles and contribute to the blockchain. You feel all techy just staring at the terminal screen, and it’s hard not to get excited.
But let’s get real for a second. We were curious—how much can a simple board like this actually earn? As the days passed, we kept checking the terminal, eagerly awaiting our first reward. Could we really earn something from this?
After about 15 to 20 days of letting the boards mine like champs, guess what? We earned ₹1. Yep. One whole rupee. It’s not much, but it works—something unusual for us at INOVUS, where there always seems to be some kind of issue within the first run! At least this time, we managed to pull off a small victory.
While ₹1 may not seem like a monumental achievement, it represents a breakthrough for us. It’s a reminder that even small victories count in the grand scheme of things.