The Anguish in Creating a Magnum Opus.
Arcane thoughts that never reach the paper...

“I'll create a masterpiece like never before” said the artist as he looked at his empty canvas filled with hopes and dreams. He wondered how his work would turn out. He imagined a glorious Pegasus basking in the sun. Furthermore, in his portrait, he imagined conquering the seven seas in the process. Then, he created a vision in his mind and began painting. A few strokes later, he realized something . He had created the wrong stroke. A stroke not suitable for his upcoming masterpiece. He needed to take this very seriously. Disappointed by this mistake, he tore the piece and started redrawing. After each stroke, he continued redrawing the painting as he noticed more errors . He grew frustrated and slowly began to feel despair because he felt as though he was not good enough. He slowly felt like giving up.
A mathematician later passed by and observed the busy artist. Subsequently, he developed an interest in the artist, and he brought a copy of his own next to the artist and began to draw. As a mathematician, he began to draw geometrical figures using his own twist. The artist was irritated by his presence. Then, he slowly began to envy the mathematician's drawing.

"Are you trying to mock me? To shove it in my face that you're better than me?" the artist asked with fury. Surprised by this reaction, the mathematician replied " No, I simply wanted to draw with you. You see, I was admiring the way you painted. After a long day of work, I saw you and thought it would be fun to join you. I don't know much about painting like you do, but I thought it would be fun to try something new."
The artist then realized what he was missing the whole time. He was so focused on creating a perfect painting that it took the joy out of doing what he loved so much. For a while, he thought and asked the mathematician to be a model for his portrait. The mathematician happily obliged.

He may not have found his magnum opus that day, but he definitely did finish a new painting and found a new friend to talk to.
In this competitive world, it is quite easy to lose sight of what we have. What we love doing and the sacrifices we make, hoping for better outcomes.