New Generation - Thinking Out of the Box.

New Generation - Thinking Out of the Box.

Let me start my first blog with a small event that happened in my life. Yes, at the age of 15, when we are supposed to decide what kind of death we require, we must decide whether we require suicide by choosing the so-called Science stream or a clean death by selecting any other stream. Anyway, as per the prophecy (made by my parents), I chose the science stream, it was quite obvious. There was an inauguration to mark the start of the new prison, and the principal came to advise; he believed that after hearing his long speech, the students would win the medal for being the perfect fit according to society's expectations. In his speech, he said, "Students, you should always think outside the box." I wasn't sure what he meant when he said, 'always find uncertainty in randomness,' as a teenager. But now that I've opened social media, I'm getting a better picture of his speech.

Let me explain: nowadays, in order to become more engaged, people of this generation spend hours and hours scrolling through Instagram and YouTube. That is not a sin, and it is always the choice of the individual to see and post anything they like. But for most of the so-called social media influencers, the content is their private lives. I thought it was hilarious when people vlogged while taking a bath, cleaning their rooms, or going grocery shopping. When looking at the views, rate them at three or four million or more. For some, the fact that they are marrying because they want to be influencers is intriguing. Again, that is none of anyone's business. However, the conclusion is that people nowadays are thinking outside the box by considering other people's personal or professional lives, and not in a positive way.As part of this new tradition, many of us can see many formalities in social media, such as cyberbullying, negative comments, insulting people in personal chats, etc.

Stop thinking out of the box in such a way. Start investing those hours in something more valuable and start building a happy life.